About the cooking blog...

We enjoy a good meal. 99 out of 100 times, this good meal takes place in our kitchen. We don't eat out very often, and when we do, we're rarely "wow-ed" by the food we get. The following are recipes that have passed through our kitchen. They're not always winners, but we'll tell you if they're not, and what should be changed to make them better. Enjoy!

Monday, January 18, 2010

MMmmmmmMMmmmmm Pound cake.

Ok. I was “in the zone” when making this, so you don’t get any “during” pictures. But, here is Paula Deen’s: Mama’s Pound Cake. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/paula-deen/mamas-pound-cake-recipe/index.html













Just follow the directions, and you’ll get the lovely piece of perfectness you see above. don’t let the ingredients sway you. Yeah, it’s 2 sticks of butter, 5 eggs, 1/2 Cup of Crisco, and more flour and sugar than one person should rightfully use… but it’s totally worth it.

Now, this cake is good enough on it’s own, but we like to do something a bit special with it. You can make a lovely pound cake by just sprinkling it with some powdered sugar, but of course we can’t just do that.

Virginia made a lovely sauce for this one with some strawberry jam and orange juice. Just spoon some jam into a pan, mix it up with some OJ to thin it out a little bit, and then cook it until you hit the consistency you want. The joy of doing this yourself is that you can pull some sauce when it’s thin to put a small pool on the plate, then cook it down some to get a bit thicker/stickier serving for drizzling over the top.

While you’re making the sauce, toss the oven on broil and toast the pound cake lightly on each side. There’s no set time or method for this. You have to watch because placement means everything. Pieces in the back of my oven will toast faster than those in front of them, and depending on the direction you have the wedge facing, they will also toast at different rates. So, look at them often, and flip them to get both sides equally browned.

No real notes or changes, but I‘ll tell you the way I normally serve this. Normally, I make and toast as above, but on the plate, I’ll put down a small pool of Irish Cream Liqueur. I’ll place the toasted pound cake on top of that and then drizzle it with either chocolate or caramel, a dollop of whipped cream, and just a little more Irish Cream drizzled over everything.


  1. Ummm, I can't wait to taste this creation! You sure are making it hard to stay away from Boone. You certainly have upped the recipe goodness from the last time I had this!

  2. I hereby deem this pound cake evil......in a good way of course. Just had a piece with a big glass of milk. mmmm You're the devil Aaron!
