About the cooking blog...

We enjoy a good meal. 99 out of 100 times, this good meal takes place in our kitchen. We don't eat out very often, and when we do, we're rarely "wow-ed" by the food we get. The following are recipes that have passed through our kitchen. They're not always winners, but we'll tell you if they're not, and what should be changed to make them better. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Jennifer came over a month or so ago and we put her to work.

This is a very belated blog. But we’ve been having a very busy few months here at Casa Trovato. Hopefully we’ll have some new posts about that on the regular blog soon.

Anyway we had Jennifer over for dinner after she moved back to the area. We decided to make some fish tacos with real flour tortillas. The inspiration for the tortillas was these awesome tortillas that Nat and Erin fed me when I was out in Denver. I even brought some back for Aaron and he loved them so much he bought real live lard so that we could try to recreate them.

Here is the recipe we used: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/homemade-flour-tortillas/detail.aspx

Let me tell you up front. Real flour tortillas = tons of work. So while real tortillas are a totally different, amazing experience which shouldn’t even go by the same NAME as store bought regular tortillas, I doubt we will ever try to make these again. We’ll just have to go to Denver.

Ok. Step 1: Clear off the kitchen table because you are going to need some space. Step 2: Put your guest to work mixing up the flour.

So the try ingredients are just flour, baking soda, and salt.

Then STEP 3: You get to incorporate the LARD!

Believe it or not, we had never bought lard before. It is definitely a magical element for the tortillas. You  mix it all in until it’s crumbly.

Step 4: Add the water to form a dough.

Once your dough is nice and smooth and elastic, you’ll want to form it into balls so that you can roll it out.

Here’s where you will learn that lard, while magical, is not sufficient to make the awesome tortillas. You definitely need a trained professional.

Otherwise you are just rolling and stretching weird misshapen tortillas.

Like anything else, we found that our tortillas were improved by frying them in lard.

And here’s the finished product:

Still is wasn’t nearly as good as the ones in Denver. But we did enjoy our Jennifer sweat-shop while it lasted.

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