About the cooking blog...

We enjoy a good meal. 99 out of 100 times, this good meal takes place in our kitchen. We don't eat out very often, and when we do, we're rarely "wow-ed" by the food we get. The following are recipes that have passed through our kitchen. They're not always winners, but we'll tell you if they're not, and what should be changed to make them better. Enjoy!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Satay Chicken

This recipe came to me from my sister, Rachel. amazingly enough, it’s a Hershey’s Recipe that can be found here: Satay Chicken Skewers. When Rachel made this, four of us destroyed it. There was nothing left. So, today I decided to tackle it, to see if I could replicate what she made.

So… you can click on the link above for the recipe… But a few notes from me:

  • If you don’t have a curved chopper, go get one. It cuts prep time rather significantly.
  • Cut the chicken into 1” thick pieces across the grain, not with the grain. Across the grain will make the chicken more tender.
  • The recipe says to let the chicken sit in the mixture for at least 2 hours. Rachel recommends overnight.

So, my chicken is in the fridge right now, marinating in the magic sauce… Later tonight, I’ll post pictures of, and describe how to cook the chicken, since we won’t be grilling it.

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